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Friday, October 7, 2011

A Trip in Missions, Pt. 6

God treats you the way one mother treated her young son, Timmy.  She didn't like the thought of Timmy walking to his first-grade class unaccompanied.  But he was too grown-up to be seen with his mother.  "Besides," he explained, "I can walk with a friend."  So she did her best to stay calm, quoting the Twenty-third Psalm to him every morning:  "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life..."

One day she came up with an idea.  She asked a neighbor to follow Timmy to school in the mornings, staying at a distance, lest he notice her.  The neighbor was happy to oblige.  She took her toddler on morning walks anyway.

After several days Timmy's little friend noticed the lady and the child.

"Do you know who that woman is who follows us to school?"

"Sure," Timmy answered.  "That's Shirley Goodnest and her daughter Marcy."


"My mom reads about them every day in the Twenty-third Psalm.  She says, 'Shirley Goodnest and Marcy shall follow me all the days of my life.'  Guess I'll have to get used to them."

You will, too.  God never sends you out alone.
[excerpt from Max Lucado's book entitled Fearless]
 It's Day 7 of the month of October, and this passage from Max Lucado's book really spoke volumes to me; not simply because I'm "on the mission field", but because I'm kind of in isolation for the duration of October.  Lee has journeyed back to the States to pick up his wife, Carol, and to settle some ministry business.  They will return in November.  So this marks my first full week here by myself.  And boy, has it been interesting!

Knowing the circumstances and potential dangers here hasn't really helped much.  My first night alone, I found myself doing a military-like sweep through the building with two large knives after hearing a strange popping noise.  Later, I found out that the lid had popped off the top of a tupperware container in the refrigerator...

What has generated such random fear in me?  I was writing a dear friend in an e-mail earlier saying that I'm not used to feeling fear for my personal safety.  After all, I lived in DC for 5 years!  Lol!  I thought I had adapted to a lifestyle of trusting God for what may happen to my physical body.  I mean, my fears USUALLY revolve around finances, future circumstances, the safety of others, etc.

The other day I was editing video on my computer when I caught a glimpse of a shady figure over my left shoulder.  Immediately, a jolt went straight to my chest as I turned to face it as my heart raced!  What I saw was...nothing...nothing was there.  This is definitely something I'm not used to and something that I would really like prayer over.

God has used many things to encourage me, though!  I've started playing music more often, which has been a great weapon against the idle mind.  God is definitely doing something because the random fear is less frequent.  After all, "Shirley Goodnest and Marcy will follow me all the days of my life"!  Lol!  It's a good reminder from Him that I'm never alone.  Hmm, indeed!  :-)


Whiley Penrod said...

That was a cute story about the little boy. It also gives me an understanding about what Jesus said in His Word about having the faith of a child. Children trust parents whole-heartedly for all their needs to be met, whether physically, mentally, emotionally and most of the time spiritually (like that in little Tommy's case). Sometimes we forget that God is better than any worldly parent and He sticks closer than a brother.
And Jamil, I can't tell you how proud I am of what you're doing out there in Mexico on behalf of God's calling on your life. I pray a special blessing over your life- not to mention a brick wall of protection over your physical body and thoughts. Keep being that amazing vessel that allows God to use you!!! Love ya bro.

Anonymous said...

I almost feel bad saying this but I must confess to bursting out in laughter at your description of sweeping the house... I think of you coming with that wonderful plastic sword of yours after having been called over to help with the catching of a snapping turtle.

Going beyond the humor though, what your talking about is something every Cristian must face. And the Question remains the same... "Will we take Him at His Word?"

Don't forget that you are loved beyond what words can express. Just telling you what our Daddy says all the time. Stay Faithful and Keep Trusting Him.